Extraordinary Ministers of CommunionI myself am the Bread of Life. No one who comes to me shall ever be hungry, no one who believes in me shall ever thirst. John 6:35 Also known as Eucharistic Ministers, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are volunteers chosen by the Pastor to assist in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.
There is great joy and satisfaction to participate in this wonderful gift to God's people. Jesus comes to us as the one who gives himself to us. He loves us so much that he gives us a share in his loving self-giving. Eucharistic Ministers prayerfully serve the people of Holy Family by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations and to the sick and homebound. The duties of Eucharistic Minister include: Finding your own replacement if you are unable to serve when scheduled.
Offering to minister on Holy Days and other special feasts. Offering to minister even when you are not scheduled. For current schedule, please click the "Ministry Schedule" button, located on our "Home Page".
If you are interested in serving as an Eucharistic Minister, please contact Father Mickey Demo for training, and to be put on the schedule. Call 315-782-2468. |